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Holistic Dentistry

Dr. Matthew Vaccaro is committed to an environmentally-friendly, “whole-health” approach to dental care. Our practice makes a point of utilizing holistic dentistry techniques in many of our procedures to reduce our environmental footprint and provide patients with more efficient, precise, and effective care that ultimately takes the oral health-general health connection into account. 

Quick Facts About Holistic Dentistry 

  • Holistic dentistry techniques encompass a number of approaches designed to emphasize the mouth-body connection and utilize materials/methodologies that can help reduce the use of potentially toxic materials. 
  • With a holistic dental care approach, patient education and preventive care are strong areas of focus in order to help individuals maintain their oral health and reduce the potential for increased general health risks. 
  • The standard use of materials such as composite, “tooth-colored” filling material rather than materials that contain mercury is part of our holistic approach. 
  • Minimally-invasive techniques are preferred and utilized whenever possible in a holistic approach to dental care. 

What Is Holistic Dentistry? 

The term “holistic dentistry” can have several connotations. Ultimately, our team at Vaccaro Aesthetic and Family Dentistry view a holistic approach as one that places a focus on utilizing environmentally-friendly materials as much as possible, as well as an emphasis on the connection between oral health and total body health. From diagnostic and treatment planning techniques to the treatments themselves, we strive to provide care that minimizes the use of known toxins in dental materials and helps reduce waste. Additionally, we strongly believe in the power of preventive care, patient education, and effective treatment options that can help patients potentially reduce risks to overall health and wellness that have been associated with oral health concerns.  

Mercury-Free Dentistry 

One of the most prominent examples of a holistic dental care approach is the use of treatment materials that are free of mercury. In the past, amalgam filling material, which contained mercury, was the standard method of filling cavities and treating tooth decay. That is why older fillings often have a metallic appearance. Due to findings suggesting that mercury may be linked to both health and environmental risks, the standards have changed over the years. Our practice uses only composite (or “tooth-colored”) filling material that contains no traces of mercury. 

Mercury-free materials offer other advantages, as well. They provide restorative and protective materials that are both strong and durable, and they blend more seamlessly with the affected tooth, offering a much more natural appearance. 

What Treatments and Techniques Can Be Performed With a Holistic Approach? 

From diagnostic dental technology to specific treatment techniques, a holistic dental care approach can be utilized in numerous ways, including: 

Dental Fillings 

As noted in the section above, filling materials are made of strong composite resin materials rather than the long-ago standard of amalgam, which often contained mercury and other metals. 

Custom Crowns and Other Restorations 

Custom dental crowns and other restorative options available at our practice are also composed of strong, mercury-free materials, such as porcelain. Additionally, our practice is equipped with CEREC® milling technology, allowing our dentist to create precise, custom crowns and porcelain veneers right here at our office on the same day. This helps reduce waste and enhance efficiency by eliminating the need for a temporary restoration and minimizing the number of dental visits required to complete these procedures. 

Digital X-Rays 

Digital x-rays offer enhanced safety measures for patients and the environment. Radiation exposure is dramatically reduced with the use of digital x-ray technology, and it eliminates the need for chemical film development materials. Plus, digital x-rays provide almost instantaneous images that can produce a very precise, high-definition view of your teeth and gums. 

Digital Impressions 

Digital impressions are a big step up from the putty impression material of the past. Not only can they provide a more accurate “blueprint” for custom restorations and other treatment options, but they also make the process quicker and more comfortable. 

These are just a few examples of our holistic approaches to dental care and how they can help make your visit to the dentist easier, more effective, and more comfortable. If you have questions, or if you are ready to schedule an appointment, please contact our office today.